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Animal Pictures 動物圖片

Animal Pictures 動物圖片

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Picture: Paul Sawer/FLPA/Solent News & Photo AgencyPicture: Newspix / Rex FeaturesPicture: Daniel Dolpire/Solent News & Photo AgencyPicture: TIZIANO CEI / CATERS NEWSPicture: David Fleetham/Bluegreen / Rex FeaturesPicture: David Fleetham/Bluegreen / Rex FeaturesPicture: Daniel Botelho / Barcroft MediaPicture: Shawn Heinrichs / Wild Aid / Barcroft...

Yang Guang, a male giant panda, the Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland. 雄性大熊貓, 蘇格蘭愛丁堡動物園。

Yang Guang, a male giant panda,  the Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland.  雄性大熊貓, 蘇格蘭愛丁堡動物園。

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David Moir / ReutersWhales | Wildography

Girls Surf , Puerto Rico. 女孩衝浪, 波多黎各。

Girls Surf , Puerto Rico. 女孩衝浪, 波多黎各。

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BY ALLISON / JUN 27 2012 / 2 COMMENTShttp://www.refractionmag.c...

U.S. troops in Afghanistan 阿富汗的美軍

U.S. troops in Afghanistan 阿富汗的美軍

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 Foto: Sabine Siebold / Reuters / NTB scanpixKraftig økning i USAs tapstall i Afghanistan - iTromso

Pakistan and India celebrate Independence Day 巴基斯坦和印度慶祝獨立日

Pakistan and India celebrate  Independence Day 巴基斯坦和印度慶祝獨立日

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(Narinder Nanu/AFP/Getty Images)Independence days: Pakistan and India celebrate their 65th - The Big Picture -

Lightning 閃電

Lightning 閃電

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 August 15, 2012. (Reuters/Aly Song) February 28, 2012. (Mariana Suarez/AFP/Getty Images) #(CC BY ND Flickr user inuyashacow) #June 20, 2012. (Alex Grimm/Getty Images) #(Reuters/Felix Ordonez) #July 26, 2012. (Reuters/Juan Medina) #July 13, 2012. (Reuters/Gene Blevins) #Lightning Strikes - In Focus - The Atlantic http...

Children line up to buy bread ( Crianças fazem fila para comprar pão ), Aleppo, Syria.  兒童排隊買麵包

Children line up to buy bread ( Crianças fazem fila para comprar pão ), Aleppo, Syria.   兒童排隊買麵包

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Khalil Hamra/APRebeldes e forças de Assad travam intensos combates em Aleppo, na Síria - AFP - UOL Notícias

three dimensional optical illusion, shopping mall, in Hong Kong. 3D 光的 錯覺,  商場,  香港.

 three dimensional  optical  illusion, shopping mall,  in Hong Kong. 3D 光的 錯覺,  商場,  香港.

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Hong Kong, August 20, 2012. (Reuters)August 21, 2012 « Day in Photos

Greyson Chance 葛瑞森·柴斯

 Greyson Chance 葛瑞森·柴斯

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(AP)August 21, 2012 « Day in Photos Chance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia葛瑞森·柴斯 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
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